
Wasabi is fundamentally transforming cloud storage with the industry’s simplest, fastest and most affordable storage solution.

Consult ● Customize ● Create

Wasabi Backup
With onQloud

Legacy cloud storage services with confusing storage tiers and complex pricing schemes, Wasabi storage is inherently easy to implement and incredibly cost-effective to scale. Gone are the days of purchasing and managing distinct primary, backup and archive storage resources.

Wasabi delivers low cost, insanely fast storage for any purpose with predictable, straightforward pricing. We believe that cloud storage should be standardized, open, simple to use, and secure. We’re storage experts. We know how to do storage better than anyone. Our goal is to make cloud storage as simple and ubiquitous as electricity. Our sole focus is to always offer the best price/performance in the industry.

onQloud Explorer

onQloud Backup

onQloud Managed Backup

onQloud Drive

Wasabi. Fast and Secure.

onQloud Explorer is a freeware file manager for Wasabi. It provides a user interface to Wasabi accounts, files and containers allowing you to browse, create and delete files and containers.